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How do e-cigarettes work?

An electronic cigarette, e-cig or vape is a battery-powered device that converts liquid into vapor. The liquid typically comes in several flavors and usually contains nicotine. They work by heating the liquid to create a vapor that you inhale and does not involve any smoke or combustion like a regular cigarette.

What is an e-liquid?

It is the liquid inside an e-cigarette - typically made up of nicotine, flavorings, and a carrier, such as propylene glycol or glycerol to "carry" the flavors into the vapor. Once heated, the e-liquid turns into a vapor that you can inhale. Most e-liquids contain nicotine, although it is possible to purchase nicotine-free versions. Gold vape products use pharmaceutical grade nicotine and food grade flavors.

Can I use e-cigarettes during pregnancy?

This product should not be used by young, non-smokers, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people at risk for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or ulcers, or who are taking medications for depression or asthma.

Can I use the product if I have a health problem?

Consult a doctor before using any Gold Vape product if taking any medications. This product should not be used by young, non-smokers, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people at risk for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism or ulcers, or taking medications for depression or asthma. This product contains nicotine , nicotine is known to cross the placental barrier and therefore there may be risks to the fetus. This product may also contain ingredients that may cause allergic reactions in sensitive people, please see the ingredient list. Use of this product may cause high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, heavy breathing, loss of balance, paleness, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, hearing and vision disturbances, mental confusion and weakness. It can also cause throat irritation and increased salivation. If any of the above effects occur, immediately stop using and taking any other nicotine products and seek medical attention. Bring the package leaflet to the attention of medical personnel.

Can I use and/or charge my electronic cigarette after falling into water?

Under no circumstances should you use an e-cigarette after it has been immersed in water. The battery and cartridge/capsule need to be replaced.

I swallowed some liquid, is it dangerous?

When using an e-cigarette no e-liquid should come into contact with your lips. If this happens and only a few drops come into contact with your lips rinse with plenty of water. If e-liquid is swallowed, rinse mouth immediately and call a poison control center or doctor. When seeking medical advice, keep the product packaging or information leaflet at hand.

Why do I have to confirm my age to access the website

Italian law prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to minors under 18 years of age. Gold Vape strongly supports this action. To make a purchase from, you will therefore need to confirm that you are at least 18 years old.

Are e-cigs harmful?

E-cigarettes are much less toxic than average cigarettes. The average cigarette has over 4,000 different chemicals, 43 of which can cause some form of cancer, and contains another 400 toxins. The 2013 briefing to the European Parliament concluded that; “In 2009, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) study found hazardous substances “at very low levels.” A recent laboratory study shows levels of toxic substances in e-cigarette vapor are 9-450 times lower compared to cigarette smoking

What is e-juice made of?

The e-liquid is mainly composed of vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG) and nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant like caffeine and can increase blood pressure and heart rate, however with e-cigs you are able to lower your nicotine levels until you are at 0Mg of nicotine e-juice . Propylene glycol is considered Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is used as a solvent and preservative in foods. Vegetable glycerin is a simple polyol (sugar) compound and is used as a solvent and sweetener in foods.

Can e-cigs really help me quit smoking?

E-cigarettes have proven to be a vehicle for people to quit smoking. With e-cigs you can have the same sensation as smoking while being able to reduce nicotine levels. This allows you to have more control over your nicotine intake and reduce the pace to your liking. You can talk to someone who uses e-cigs to hear their testimony to decide. E-cig users report that there is a similar sensation of a regular cigarette.

What are the advantages of electronic cigarettes

  • Save on the purchase of tobacco cigarettes
  • Healthier than traditional tobacco cigarettes
  • Smoking in smoke-free areas: restaurants, hotels, etc... (e-cigarettes create vapor, not smoke)
  • E-cig vapors are odor-free, so you and others won't smell the smoke

Are e-cigs a tobacco product?

No, e-cigs may contain nicotine, however there is no tobacco in e-juice and there is no combustion, smoke and odor.